Donate using our online form

When you donate using our online form, you can direct your donation to:

  • Your local CA
  • Provincial party


Payment Options

E-Transfer your donation to the Provincial Party or your CA to:
[email protected]

Make sure to add these details in the e-transfer notes:

Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Mailing Address
Your Phone Number
Indicate if your donation is to the Local CA, or the Party

Mail-in a donation form and pay by cash, cheque, or money order
Download and print this form:


Mail form along with cash, cheque, or money order to:

Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta
163, 17008-90 Ave
Edmonton, AB
T5T 1L6

The Wildrose Independence Party cannot accept memberships or donations from outside Alberta in accordance with limits on contributions on page 8 in the Elections Alberta guidelines

If you live outside Alberta you can sign up for our newsletter

All donations or memberships from outside Alberta will be returned